One of the finalists in this year's LabourStart Labour Photo of the Year Contest. By Brooke Anderson.
Unions and the internet: uses, misuses and anything else that comes up, all from a middle-aged propellorhead's perspective.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Trade unions are fun!
One of the finalists in this year's LabourStart Labour Photo of the Year Contest. By Robert Day.
Swiss Railway Demonstration
One of the finalists in this year's LabourStart Labour Photo of the Year Contest. By Integrierte Tomate.
Real Estate Tax Collectors' Strike إضراب موظفي الضرائب العقارية

Real Estate Tax Collectors' Strike إضراب موظفي الضرائب العقارية, originally uploaded by 3arabawy - صَحـَـفي مِصـْـري.
One of the finalists in this year's LabourStart Labour Photo of the Year Contest. Hossam el-Hamalawy.
Freedom of Labour
One of the finalists in this year's LabourStart Labour Photo of the Year Contest. By Khaled Chobi.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Blame John Wood and
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wal-Mart Closes Second Unionized Shop
For full coverage in both languages, see LabourStart's Canada page:
Test of My Flickr-to-Blog Facility, But Also A Fond Memory
While waiting for friend Eric to show up so we could amble through Highgate Cemetery in search of the original burial spot of Karl Marx and Family (they were moved to the memorial location years after Karl croaked). A very fine day, a nice beer and the prospect of a visit with a bunch of dead commies (for those who haven't been, the memorial is surrounded by the graves of comrades) of those silly but very pleasant memories.
Thanks to Mac Urata for the directions to the original burial site.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Solidarity: Supporting Migrant Workers Organizing
Details here:
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I Will Not Obsess, I Will Not Obsess, I Will Not Obsess...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I should Just Give Up and Leave the Field to John Wood
This is one of those days.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Facebook Eat S^%t and D^e!
Minutes later, after I stopped friending, I received the same warning; only this time it's because I'm leaving too many messages on walls and such in regard to the upcoming LabourTech conference.
Ahhhh....just like old times. :-)
For more info on LabourTech 2008 see:
I Like My Crow Well-done
Friend me, I can't friend you or I'll run out of pseudonyms.
World Day for Decent Work

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Me, Ashamed and Thinking About Permission
The photo was taken during a factory inspection in Nicaragua a few years ago.
Equally disturbing but more to my taste ego-wise, the folks at Pellegrino have asked to use some of my photos of an Italian trip a few years ago.
Sigh. Is that a bird? A plane? No, it's my principles flying out the window.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The New CAW Website
So the new CAW website is worth pondering over:
A major shift in a number of ways. Take a gander.